Our structure

Continuous updating, innovation, and versatility to produce brass fittings and custom components

The constant investments in efficient and versatile machinery, plants, and technologies, as well as the continuous professional updating of the staff, testify to Theonilde’s desire to present itself as a solid and at the same time versatile structure, always careful to the market’s evolutiont. With a production site of over 4000 square meters and a large fleet of machines, we can meet the customers’ needs with punctuality and flexibility, providing a production of brass fittings, nuts, and even complex custom components that stands out for their accuracy and compliance with the agreed standards.


Disponiamo di macchine transfer a controllo numerico, fino a 25 teste operanti su tre assi, per la lavorazione di pezzi complessi stampati a caldo, oltre a macchine transfer per la lavorazione, in grandi lotti, di calotte e raccordi, fino a 2,5 pollici.


Siamo dotati di una flotta di torni CNC mono-mandrino a fantina mobile, fino al diametro 38, e torni mono-mandrino Biglia con tre torrette per lavorazioni di estrema precisione fino al diametro 70.


I nostri Centri di lavoro verticale CNC a 5 assi ci permettono di eseguire operazioni di forature, fresatura e filettatura, ma anche lavorazioni molto complesse come contornature ed occhielli.

Machine inventory

A complete machinery inventory, constantly updated, able to respond efficiently to the markets’ needs.

The constant investments in efficient and versatile machinery, plants, and technologies, as well as the continuous professional updating of the staff, testify to Theonilde’s desire to present itself as a solid and at the same time versatile structure, always careful to the market’s evolution.

  • 10 automatic transfers to produce caps and fittings
  • 5 transfers from 9 to 25 heads with 3-axis carriages to produce complex molded components
  • 12 CNC sliding head lathes passing up to 38 mm
  • 2 fixed head lathes up to 70 mm
  • 3 5-axis machining centers